Hangout addresses childhood behaviour disorders
September 4, 2018You are invited to attend a Google Hangout on preventing and treating childhood behaviour disorders, Sept. 5 at 8 am Pacific time.
Attending the event will be a team of people from the Children’s Health Policy Centre, including the director and child psychiatrist, Charlotte Waddell, clinical psychologist and scientific writer Christine Schwartz and research manager Jen Barican. The CHPC has authored a publication for the journal Evidence-Based Mental Health, which is the organizer of the hangout.
Also attending the event will be representatives of the Canadian Mental Health Association, the BC government, Oxford University and Stanford University.
Oppositional defiant and conduct disorders start early and persist, incurring high individual and collective costs. The panel of experts will discuss the best available research evidence on preventing and treating these disorders, following their recent systematic review. The review will provide a starting point for wide ranging discussion and debate, including consideration of the implications of the evidence for policy and practice.
To join the event go to YouTube at