This page contains our reports to government and participating community organizations, as well as information on the randomized controlled trial we conducted on the Nurse-Family Partnership to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs. It also includes academic publications we have written for peer-reviewed journals.
For reports, each link provides a report summary and further links to short and full reports. For recent systematic research evidence about preventing and treating child mental health problems, please see our Quarterly publication, which tackles a different issue with each edition.
Please contact the Children’s Health Policy Centre if you would like more information about any of the articles.
- Understanding the experiences of young, urban, Indigenous mothers-to-be in British Columbia, Canada
- Effects of nurse-home visiting on intimate partner violence and maternal income, mental health and self-efficacy by 24 months postpartum: A randomised controlled trial
- Effective Home Visiting Programs for Children and Mothers Experiencing Adversities
- Mental Health of Transgender and Nonbinary Children and Youth: Informing Service Needs
- Effectiveness of nurse-home visiting in improving child and maternal outcomes prenatally to age two years: A randomised controlled trial
- COVID-19 and children’s mental health
- Addressing Mental Health Needs for Children with Neurodevelopmental Conditions
- Reaching underserved children and families
- Promoting mental health in the early years
- Prevalence of childhood mental disorders in high-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis to inform policymaking
- Public Data Sources for Monitoring Children’s Mental Health: What We Have and What We Still Need in British Columbia
- Preventing and Treating Childhood Mental Disorders: Effective Interventions
- COVID-19 and the Impact on Children’s Mental Health
- Nurse home visiting and prenatal substance use in a socioeconomically disadvantaged population in BC
- Supporting Children — By Supporting Practitioners and Families During COVID-19 and Beyond
- Retaining participants in community-based health research: a case example on standardized planning and reporting
- The British Columbia Healthy Connections Project: findings on socioeconomic disadvantage in early pregnancy
- Six decades of preventing and treating childhood anxiety disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis to inform policy and practice
- Preparing to Parent in British Columbia: A Profile of Participants in the BC Healthy Connections Project
- Fifty years of preventing and treating childhood behaviour disorders: a systematic review to inform policy and practice
- Improving children’s health and development in British Columbia through nurse home visiting
- BC Healthy Connections Project: Scientific Overview
- A Qualitative Study of Autism Policy in Canada: Seeking Consensus on Children’s Services
- Improving Children’s Mental Health: Six highly effective psychosocial interventions
- Treating Concurrent Substance Use and Mental Disorders in Children and Youth
- Preventing Substance Use Disorders in Children and Youth
- Preventing Mental Disorders in Children: A Public Health Priority
- Preventing Mental Disorders in Children: A Systematic Review to Inform Policy-Making
- Balancing Rigour and Relevance: Researchers’ Contributions to Children’s Mental Health Policy in Canada
- Developing a Research-Policy Partnership to Improve Children’s Mental Health in British Columbia
- Bringing Children’s Mental Health “Out of the Shadows”
- Preventing and Treating Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities in Children
- Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Children’s Mental Health
- Preventing and Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children and Youth
- Preventing and Treating Eating Disorders in Children and Youth
- Preventing Suicide in Youth: Taking Action with Imperfect Knowledge
- Joining the Conversation: Newspaper Journalists’ Views on Working with Researchers
- Rethinking Evidence-Based Practice for Children’s Mental Health
- Research Use in Children’s Mental Health Policy in Canada: Maintaining Vigilance Amid Ambiguity
- A Public Health Strategy to Improve the Mental Health of Canadian Children
- The Mental Health and Well-Being of Aboriginal Children and Youth: Guidance for New Approaches and Services
- Preventing and Treating Depression in Children and Youth
- Early Psychosis: A Review of the Treatment Literature
- Preventing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children and Youth
- Preventing and Treating Conduct Disorder in Children and Youth
- How Important Is Permanency Planning for Children? Considerations for Pediatricians involved in Child Protection
- Child and Youth Mental Health Research Reports: 3. Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Children and Youth
- Child and Youth Mental Health Research Reports: 2. Draft Practice Parameters
- Child and Youth Mental Health Research Reports: 1. Population Health and Clinical Service Considerations
- Child Psychiatric Epidemiology and Canadian Public Policy-Making: The State of the Science and the Art of the Possible