Provincial advisory committee provides crucial support
March 22, 2021At the launch of the BC Healthy Connections Project in 2011, a Provincial Advisory Committee was immediately set up.
Why? The purpose of this important group of roughly 50 people was to gain expert practice and policy advice to help guide the scientific study — examining the effectiveness of the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program. Later, another purpose of the group was to provide an effective and efficient way of communicating trial updates and findings. And, today, this same group helps to guide the ongoing delivery of NFP, while awaiting trial results on exactly ‘how’ NFP works in BC (expected in 2021/2022).
“This group really gives us a sustained, active and reciprocal way to collaborate,” scientific director Nicole Catherine says noting that the team includes senior policymakers from BC government ministries such as Health, Children and Family Development, and Mental Health and Addictions as well as managers and directors from each of the four regional health authorities involved in the trial: Fraser, Interior, Island and Vancouver Coastal.
Other members in the group include representatives from the First Nations Health Authority, Métis Nation of BC, the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Provincial Health Services Authority, Perinatal Services BC, Child Health BC, and the BC Midwives Association.
While the group meets quarterly and has often gathered by phone (an especially useful principle during COVID), they held an in-person meeting in June 2015 where members gathered for what they called a “pre-mortem.”
“The idea was to make sure we could sustain the program and to boost its chances of success,” Catherine says. The object of the pre-mortem was to consider potential obstacles to the project and then develop ways to prevent them from occurring.
“Although the idea of a ‘pre-mortem’ might sound negative,” Catherine says, “it was actually the opposite. When you’re so focussed on succeeding, it’s easy to overlook small but important roadblocks. This exercise helped us avoid doing that.”
“For this, and for all the other work the committee has contributed, we are very grateful for the many people who have been so generous with their time to help ensure the success of this project,” Catherine says.