Nurse home visiting and prenatal substance use in a socioeconomically disadvantaged population in BC

Nicole L.A. Catherine, PhDMichael Boyle, PhDYufei Zheng, MPHLawrence McCandless, PhD,Hui Xie, PhDRosemary Lever, MADebbie Sheehan, MSWAndrea Gonzalez, PhDSusan M. Jack, RN PhDAmiram Gafni, PhDLil Tonmyr, PhDLenora Marcellus, RN PhDColleen Varcoe, RN PhDAnge Cullen, MPHKathleen Hjertaas, BESCaitlin Riebe, BScNikolina Rikert, BAAshvini Sunthoram, BScRonald Barr, MDCMHarriet MacMillan, MDCharlotte Waddell, MD. Canadian Medical Association Journal OPEN

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The British Columbia Healthy Connections Project: findings on socioeconomic disadvantage in early pregnancy

Nicole L. A. Catherine, Rosemary Lever, Debbie Sheehan, Yufei Zheng, Michael H. Boyle,
Lawrence McCandless, Amiram Gafni, Andrea Gonzalez, Susan M. Jack, Lil Tonmyr, Colleen Varcoe, Harriet L. MacMillan, Charlotte Waddell and For the British Columbia Healthy Connections Project Scientific Team. (2019, August). The British Columbia Healthy Connections Project: findings on socioeconomic disadvantage in early pregnancy. BMC Public Health.

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Preparing to Parent in British Columbia: A Profile of Participants in the BC Healthy Connections Project

Charlotte Waddell, Nicole Catherine, Harriet MacMillan, Rosemary Lever, Patricia Wallis, Debbie Sheehan, Michael Boyle, Amiram Gafni, Lawrence McCandless, Lil Tonmyr, Andrea Gonzalez, Susan Jack, Ron Barr, Colleen Varcoe and Lenora Marcellus for the BC Healthy Connections Project Scientific Team. Preparing to Parent in British Columbia: A Profile of Participants in the BC Healthy Connections Project. Vancouver, BC: Children’s Health Policy Centre, Simon Fraser University, 2018.

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